Saturday, May 28, 2011

[J-REPORT] Hey! Say! JUMP on Music Station [2011.6.3]

According from tv-asahi official website , some of popular  J-Singer will perform on Music Station next week edition include our lovely idol Hey! Say! JUMP . Hey! Say! JUMP will perform their upcoming single "OVER" . ok minna for detail information please check here douzo ~ or

Hey! Say! JUMP "OVER" on Yan Yan JUMP

iyaiiii welove hey say jump !!!
Hey! Say! JUMP "OVER"

Let’s walk together, together!

Together, together
近頃元気ないじゃん Over 
Lately things haven’t been that well, Over 
Filled with worry, feeling tired, Over
If it were for I would have heard it, Over
At our usual place, at 7Oclock, Over
Our Family , the people , out of manners, Over 
(RAP Part)
The wind of future destination is still uncovered, the before and after of my folded feeling, OVER
We all do believe it, yes and me even so
Those overflow tears that filled our lives.

Future… I want to feel it more
Future もっと信じたい
Future …. I want to believe it more
Future もっと見上げたい
Future… I want to look forward to it

ピンチはチャンスなんだMy friend
Somehow, pinch is a chance, My friend
ふれついてんならSTAND BY YOU
If you fall down, I Stand by you
ピンボケ未来なんてGOOD BYE
What is that unclear future , Goodbye
ほら光が見えたよ 悲しみIT’S OVER
Look, the light is seen, the sadness is OVER
ボクラハ。 いつでも。デキナイ。 コトナド。 ヒトツモ。ナイノサ
We always don’t have anything that we can’t do

そう未来が待ってろ俺はいつでも味方からwith you 
Such future is wait for us, I’ll always support you

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