Saturday, May 28, 2011

[J-Culture] Learn Japanese -part 1- INTRODUCTION

I had been Learning japanese for one year since I was in 7th grade in Junior High School , but My skill to talk japanese still so bad (-___________-) sooo BAD ! . But I think , I have to share my knowledge to you all who want know how to talk japanese . hmm Just little bit , but I its maybe definitely help you ~ (^____^)v . Douzo ~



> What's your name ? 
  O-namae wa nan desu ka 

> My Name is Chii 
  Watakushi no namae wa Chii Desu [ please say Desu with "Des" ]

> Nice to meet You 
   Hajimemashite , Dozo Yoroshiku

> This is Yuto
   Kono kata wa Yuto-kun Desu [ please say Desu with "Des" ]

>  How are you ?
   Ikaga Desu ka  ( hmm but I always use " Ogenki desu ka " )

> Im Fine 
   Genki Desu

> Ya' I have to go now 
   Sa ! Soro - soro

> Thank You 
   Arigato Gozaimasu ( please say gozaimasu with " gozaimas ")

> Thankyou So much
   Domo Arigato

> Yourwelcome
   Do Itashimashite 

Yo' I hope that will help you (^O^)/' . take it easy , You can speak japanese easily LETS LEARN ~ see ya in the next part ne ! Learn Japanese part 2 (coming soon)

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